Academic Network for General Practice Amsterdam UMC (ANHA)

Helmie Groennews, Practice news

As a general practice, we are affiliated with the Academic Network for General Practice Amsterdam UMC (ANHA). In this network we work together with general practitioners, researchers and teachers in scientific research, improvement and innovation in healthcare and medicine education. We think this is important: it increases our knowledge and it helps healthcare to advance improve.

What does this mean for you?

Participation of our practice in the ANHA means that we collect data from our patients about the share the care provided with the ANHA. This data is used on an anonymous basis for Research. We also use this data to provide information about the services we provide to compare the care provided with other general practices. This is how we work to improve the concern. We may also invite our patients without obligation to participate in one scientific research at ANHA.


Your privacy comes first. Therefore, no data such as name, address or citizen service number shared with the ANHA. As a result, it is not possible to see which patients’ data is from are used. If you object to the use of your data for the ANHA database, please pass this on to your doctor. Your data will then no longer be shared with ANHA. Knowing more? Ask your doctor or visit the website