Healthcare information for Internationals

Helmie GroenHealth news, news

We understand that living in a new country with different ideas regarding health care can be challenging.

The first step is to register with a local doctor/general practitioner (in Dutch: huisarts). This can be done of the phone or by making an appointment. Some GP-offices also give you the option to register with them online.

You can find a GP near your house using

you have a non-urgent medical or mental issue the local family doctor (GP) is the first point of contact. You can call the GP-office, explain your issue and make an appointment. They will usually have a spot for you the same day or the next day, depending on your medical complaints.

Your GP is very well capable to provide you with a good consultation or simple medical treatment. If necessary the GP will prescribe medication, such as pain killers, antibiotics, antiviral drugs or anti-allergy pills.

Your doctor can also:

  • Issue a referral to a (mental) clinic, psychologist or healthcare provider
  • Prescribe a blood or urine test to further examination

Most doctors in The Netherlands will speak proficient English.

On this page: you can find information an many topics on living and staying healthy in the Netherlands. Take a look on this website and call us if you need more information.
The philosophy underpinning the Dutch health care system is based on several more or less universal principles: access to care for all, solidarity through medical insurance (which is compulsory for all and available to all) and high-quality health care services. Inevitably, the Dutch system has also been shaped by a number of historical trends and developments and social conditions.