What is Positive Health?

Helmie GroenHealth news, news

As a practice, we are going to work with Positive Health. But what is that and what can you do with it?

People are not their condition. Yet we totally focus on this in our healthcare. All attention is paid to their complaints and health problems, and how we can solve them. Positive Health takes a different approach. The emphasis is not on illness. But on people themselves, on their resilience and on what makes their lives meaningful.Positive Health is a broader view of health, elaborated in six dimensions. With that broader approach you contribute to people’s ability to deal with the physical, emotional and social challenges in life. And to be in control as much as possible.

With Positive Health we want to have conversations that can lead to surprising outcomes. For example, it may turn out that a completely different problem is hidden behind a health complaint. It is also amazing how well people themselves often know what is needed to improve their health situation. The best counselor? That’s you.

How it works? You fill in the so-called spider web yourself or together with your GP or practice nurse. Here you indicate what is important to you. People who complete the questionnaire can use the spider web to map out how they experience their health. For example, do you feel happy or lonely? Are you able to do everyday things, such as housework? Do you still enjoy your activities? Together we can have a completely different conversation with those results. What is really important to you? What would you like to change? Together we then think of who (or what) can help to improve the situation.

For more information visit the website of the Institute for Positive Health or ask your GP or practice nurse.