Healthcare costs, insurance based or your own risk

Helmie GroenHealth news

For which care do you pay yourself? You pay if you are 18 years or older and if you use care from the basic package. You do not pay any own risk for children. In 2020, the amount you pay yourself is set at €385. This means that you pay the first €385 in healthcare costs yourself. Only then will your health insurer pay the costs.

You can pay this amount in installments. Ask your health insurer about this. The deductible applies to most healthcare under the basic insurance, but not to everything.

You will have to pay from your own risk for:

  • X-ray, ultrasound or MRI in the hospital
  • visit to a medical specialist
  • Transport by ambulance
  • blood test
  • Mental health care outside the general practice
  • Combined lifestyle intervention
  • certain care for a number of chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus type 2, COPD and CVR)

You do not pay a deductible for this care

  • Visit to and treatment by the general practitioner
  • Visit to the POH-GGZ at the GP’s Office
  • Obstetric and maternity care
  • District nursing

A health insurer can also exclude certain health care providers, care programs, medicines and aids from the deductible. Therefore, check in advance whether or not you pay out of your own risk amount.