Changing opening hours

Helmie GroenHealth news, news, Practice news

Healthcare is under great pressure. Our assistant team works hard to help you as best as possible. To ensure that they can complete all their tasks in a day, a number of things will have to change. From 8 April 2024 Office of the medical assistants :  from 8.00 AM … Lees verder

Healthcare in the Netherlands

Helmie GroenHealth news, news

Healthcare in the Netherlands ranks amongst the best in the world, giving people access to the most advanced treatments and preventative care. Some things, however, may be arranged in a different way than you are used to. A key to Dutch curative (or medical) healthcare is the General Practitioner (GP) or family … Lees verder

What is Positive Health?

Helmie GroenHealth news, news

As a practice, we are going to work with Positive Health. But what is that and what can you do with it? People are not their condition. Yet we totally focus on this in our healthcare. All attention is paid to their complaints and health problems, and how we can … Lees verder

Healthcare information for Internationals

Helmie GroenHealth news, news

We understand that living in a new country with different ideas regarding health care can be challenging. The first step is to register with a local doctor/general practitioner (in Dutch: huisarts). This can be done of the phone or by making an appointment. Some GP-offices also give you the option … Lees verder